PORTTABLE® Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Porttable’s Premium Olive Oil is an extra virgin olive oil, with no additives or preservatives, with an acidity lower than 0,2 %. Possesses a greenish colour, a very fresh and fruity flavour which is a result of a harmonious combination between the spicy and the bitter, typical of olives that are harvested early in the season. It’s chemical characteristics are in accordance with the (CE) Regulations n.o 2568/91 and alterations.


A premium oil raised 100% organically!

  • Medium to Intense Fruity, Fresh and Green Taste, with green apple notes. Soft bitterness and less spicy than the Premium;
  • Early harvested beginning on the first week of November only with still green and premature olives;
  • Ideal for: Highly recommended as a perfect replacement for butter in your morning toasts, this olive oil is also suitable for seasoning salads or finishing light fish meals.
  • Naturally Blended


The sweetest thing!

  • Soft and fruity taste, with tasting notes of artichoke, mature tomato, mature apple. Not bitter or spicy. Soft Fruity;
  • Late harvested between mid-november to late december using only matured olives;
  • Ideal for: Perfect complement for intense flavored dishes, such as codfish, tuna or meat. Also good for cooking.